Originally posted by Ken Latchers:
I have been considering credit cards as a payment option.
My BIG hesitation, is a tenant who pays, and then within 60 days "disputes" the charge to try and get out of paying the rent. This is a big problem for some types of business - people who charge and intend to get out of the payment later. And it becomes somewhat he says-she says trying to get your money. At least with cash, cleared check, good money order, you havee your money.
We're a PM Group based in NYC with about 600 units. We had a lot of people asking to use CC and finally gave in. We had the exact same worries about chargebacks and etc. Anyway- long story short if you use a 3rd party service it becomes difficult (almost impossible) for the tenant to dispute the chargeback. We use a 3rd party service called NovelPay and we only had disputes twice. They had our back every single time. Plus they're cheap- they charger like $90 a year. If you're interested hit me up and I'll give my account managers info- I don't think he would appreciate me blasting his info all over the internet! LOL
Question: We're currently using JD is anyone using AMSI? If so, how is it? ANd would you recommend it?