I just finished reading a marketing book called:
The Irresistible Offer --How to Sell your Product or Service in 3 Seconds or Less
by Mark Joyner
Here is an exerpt from my review:
Selling houses of course, is a big ticket sale. Can it be done in 3 seconds? Almost never. However, an ad can be written to take your buyer to the step, to the place of the irresistible offer. An ad like :
Amazing 3-2-2 in Smallville for just $97K.
You will love this home. I'm so sure that I'll give you $50 just to look at it.
Call me now at xxx-xxx-xxxx for the details.
Next comes the irresistible offer. The drive up appeal of the home. Make certain that the front yard, landscaping, and exterior of the house are better than any other on the street. You will create an emotional response in the buyer that may well be "I want this house." This can literally happen within seconds of their arrival. From there on out your job is to reinforce that first impression emotionally and logically.
The full review: http://www.amazon.com/gp/cdp/member-reviews/A1M2I4A22YXB1A/ref=cm_cr_yc_cdp?ie=UTF8&sort%5Fby=MostRecentReview