@Matt Bucklaew. Thanks for the input! That’s a good list of question to keep my efforts focused in the right areas.
I’d like invest in the Dayton Ohio area because I am comfortable with the area. After some my initial assessments the numbers look promising but you bring up a good point with the fact that the numbers are what matters most in the end.
As for paying rent, it seems the area hasn’t been hit too hard by the virus and my personal contacts there aren’t struggling for jobs. That being said, it would probably be better having that conversation with an agent or other local investors. It’s time to start seeking those out.
Thankfully, we are in a good financial situation and we have good job security working as active duty military. I’d imagine that as long as we don’t stretch the budget to make the deal, we will have a good cushion to deal with COVID and other surprises.
Right now I believe my focus needs to be on building my local team, specifically agents and property managers, while continuing to strengthen my educational foundation.
Thanks again for the input. I’ll let you know how things end up!