This is after maxing out sec. 179 and bonus depreciation.
New equipment 8.25% sales tax, 1% heavy use tax. 2% excessive diesel use tax.
My equipment fleet worth 2.5mm taxed at 3% year.
Heavy use tax on each truck $4,000.00
Property taxes 3% and on and on
I constantly read this forum and many others to learn as I only have a 10th grade education. I hear how people have figured out how to invest and they dont pay tax. I have a full time CPA in my office as well as a well paid firm who oversees him. They have yet to come up with a way to make alot of money and not pay the taxes stated above. I know I am blessed and I should be thankful for what I have....I am, but, I will NEVER be excited about the gov. using my above said money to be involved in private enterprise. So to be fair with everyone who has posted on this thread, I was just alittle upset about the house because I saw it as another hand out. I should have researched the Habitat method for placing the house, and I really just wanted to know if anyone else had run into this same situation?
J. Scott...I have read many of your post's and I really respect your knowledge, but I do not make up numbers, If you make and try to save a big profit in this country, you will taxed to pay for politicians and dead beats. sorry if I offened you or anyone else. You can check my numbers. they are actual not proforma (lol)