@Daniel McNulty thank you for your response. Yes, this is big endeavor but originally we were trying to raise equity in our company as opposed to setting up a fund structure to finance these projects. Our strategy was to get one up and running (through entitlements) then leverage equity created once entitlements were in place and roll into next project and so on and so forth...
What we learned was that given the large capital requirements for these infrastructure projects, the investors we are getting introduced to are going to require a GP & LP structure.
To your point about sponsor track record, we were hoping to partner with/hire a qualified CFO that has successful RE fund management experience and LP reporting experience. I personally have a lot of development experience including over 100mw's of operational solar and a pipeline of over 600 more but I act/acted as a co-developer and my partner/co-development companies always took care of the financing. In your experience, is hiring/partnering with a qualified and experienced manager enough to overcome the fact that is is my first fund?