Looking for any ideas, feedback, concerns on the building of a 17-31 (there were 3 options given by surveyor on building layout on the property and that would be reason for the vary in unit amounts. The option with more units would include parking underneath the building) unit building.
Land is already acquired, surveyor has come and plot out property lines and also has drawn building, parking and green space out. They have also done what they are calling a “utility test” as well as a “soil sample”
We are meeting this week with a local well known construction company for the building side of the project. (I plan on getting guidance from them)
What I am looking for is any advice on breakdown of units: all 2 bed, divide it up make some different size units? Ideas on how to generate the most income from the property: coin op. Any feedback on “tax breaks” for affordable housing.
Also if you have knowledge and experience I would like to hear about the actual building options: brick exterior vs vinyl, amenities that are of value in each unit. High end vs builder grade finishes.
Location is in the 01905 area