Likely going to be difficult to find a bank that will hold a checkbook IRA LLC account and pay a rate. However, depending on the Trust Company you work with, you might have more options with respect to the diversity of public and private market investments. For example, with Equity Trust Company, you can establish what we refer to as the Universal IRA. This is an IRA, just like any other self-directed IRA; however, it allows you to connect your IRA to the following:
1) You can use a checkbook IRA LLC type structure, for example, if you are purchasing individual rental homes, or an occasional fix-and-flip. If you are doing private lending, or investing in other partnerships or LLCs, you don't need this, your IRA can invest directly. I will say, I often see folks create more complicated checkbook IRA LLC structures when they don't need them. For owning real estate, certainly makes sense, but if using the account for other types of investment, likely not necessary.
2) You can connect your IRA, all within the same IRA to a brokerage account, through our affiliate brokerage capability. This allows you to trade stocks, mutual funds, ETFs, gain access to CD's and treasuries.
3) You can connect your IRA to what we call Wealthbridge which is a private market investing platform, enabling you to digitally invest in private opportunities. Equity Trust does not recommend or endorse any one investment. 4) You can connect your IRA to a fully integrated Crypto trading platform. You have the ability to do all of this directly through a single IRA.