Michael great perspective, very wise! Its always nice to hear from somebody that understands the wild west I call home! For the others contributing to this discussion the primary industry in this area is Oil and Gas and because of that our market is often dictated by the price of oil. When oil is up its impossible to find hotels, rentals or even rv spaces and when its down there is usually a surplus. Historically, when oil would drop so would our market and we had this up and down cycle. The interesting thing is the up and downs of the last few years have not affected our market the way it has in the past. The money funding investments in the area is coming from outside sources as opposed to local banks and individuals funding everything. I would be interested to know how other investors mitigate markets with up and down cycles.
Currently the market is still very active, houses usually sell in a few days and there are only 20 rental houses on the market and of those none have been updated in the last 20 years.
The property actually has an apartment in the back that is leased to a good tenant and its rents will almost pay the mortgage. It's cash flow positive right now but the previous tenants in the main house had to be evicted and complexly trashed the place. At a minimum, it would be all new paint and some work in the bathroom. So i'm going to have to do a minor rehab just to get it rentable to respectable people so my thinking is does it make since to do a little more to make it really stand out? Going back to my original thought, how do you know if you are doing too much or too little......I think in this case it sounds like almost everybody is recommending a little bigger reno for the bigger rents it could produce.
Does anybody have any experience with renovating a little nicer to try to attract a higher caliber of tenant?