Most leases have a clause that states that there are other items that get paid first prior to rent when there are other items owing, such as utilities, legal fees, late fees, etc. I would also say that it is not a "Michigan" requirement for utilities to be in the owner's name, but municipalities often put this policy or ordinance in place as it can be very difficult to collect from a tenant.
At first I thought you should have the bill sent to you, but it sounds like you do want him to pay it and not have to bill him for it. Can the municipality send you the bill if it is not paid? How did you find out about the unpaid bill previously?
I think the only option you have is to pay the bill, send notice of the water bill and request it be included in the rent payment, and then send a 7 day notice to pay to the tenant the next time they pay the rent if the additional payment is not included, because the payment would first be allocated to the water bill (per the lease) and then to rent, so the rent would not be paid in full. Then obviously you would have to file with the court after 7 days, etc., if the payment didn't happen.
Based on the record the past 12 months, it sounds like it may not be a concern. Hopefully you are getting a good rent from this tenant for the extra work and hassle. If you weren't particularly fond of the tenant and thought they could be replaced, I would increase the rent the next time the lease was up to make it "worth your while." Also, I would proceed quickly with the eviction if the water bill is not paid and you have to file. If he stops paying the water again it may be an early sign of other problems.
Good luck!!!