@Rodney Reeves a separate account is fine, but it goes beyond that - you want to track those dollars. Its easy to see that in a year you spend $800 on maintenance from Home Depot, and called a plumber for $300 to fix a broken pipe, or had to replace freon in your AC unit for $200, or something along those lines. That allows you to project actual vs. expected and see where you need to adjust.
You can accurately track utilities and adjust rent accordingly. Your tenants should be contributing to everything in a house hack, but you, as the owner and occupant, have a benefit to getting the lowest prices AND splitting those costs with others.
I would open a separate thread for house hacking and ask people what they do and don't do with their tenants, and that can help you develop a guidebook that you can refer to. Me personally, I operate well when I have a plan for 80-90% of the things that may come up. But do what works for you, but make sure you're treating this A) a business and B) a business asset that helps you meet your designed goal.
And finally, CONGRATULATIONS. I wish I had done this when I was looking for my first home, and if done correctly you can set yourself up with a producing asset that can help guide you along your overall real estate goals!