Brian Eastman provides wisdom. Remember, a 401(k) is only a tool. It could be highly effective if used properly. Also, please consider that while some people might be able to forgo a 401(k) in the pursuit of cash flow or other, most would benefit from the Safety net. If the above average investor is passionate, knowledgeable, and determined enough, then that investor might not need a 401(k). The average investor might be active for a few years and would lose in the long run if he or she decided to not contribute early and consistently. Compound interest is a beautiful thing. Lastly, the below average investor will greatly benefit from having the Safetynet and he or she is not likely to foresee when they lose the energy passion or determination to do to continue the real estate venture. Even the highly active and highly motivated investor might become ill or other and not be able to actively pursue real estate. A safety net is rarely a bad thing.