Quote from @Brad Hayden:
@Joe Fairley
Joseph, I have a few questions/clarifications:
What type of property/units
Who are the tenants & how are the leases structured
I don't see utilities in the expenses -- are they paid by tenants
I see landscaping & dumpster, but what about other maintenance and repairs
Where did tax & insurance numbers come from -- they seem very low
If its new construction, what is the capex expense, or is this replacement reserves
Brad, thank you for taking the time to respond. The tenants would be on an annual lease. The property consists of 2/2s and 3/2s. The building is new I didn't even think about maintenance and repairs. I suppose I should set aside 5% for maintenance and repairs in addition to the 3% for CapEx. I checked with the county and local muni about tax rates and the tax rates are about +/- 20%, 36K per year. I then compared those against similar properties in the area. The rebuild value would be under $4 Million and based on a 1% rate, the insurance could be up to $40,000.
Recalculating with 5% maintenance, the top tax rate, and a 1% insurance rate....
$6,564,436 = 361044/0.055
16 Units @ $3000 Per Unit = $48,000/month
-$3333 Insurance/month (40k per year)
-$3600 Property Taxes/month
-$400 Landscaping
-$500 Dumpster Service
-$4800 Property Management Fee
-$1440 3% Vacancy
-$1440 3% Capital Expenditures
-$2400 5% Maintenance
($17,913 Total Expenses)
=$30,087 Per Month or $361,044 Per Year
Is there anything else I'm missing or overlooking?