Quote from @John R Olson:
Good Morning! I am exploring starting my own private money-lending company. Can anyone recommend any good warehouse/credit line options out there (assuming they exist in this space)? As far as technology, are there any all-in-one origination technologies that you can recommend? LOS/Robust Digital POS/CRM/Docs/Compliance/Vendor Integrations/etc. I would appreciate any input here...many thanks!
Jay is correct, warehouse lines right now are a little trickier to get. However, they are not impossible. They will simply base it off the personal financial statement of the owners. My recommendation is to do the "direct placement" model until you have a few loans under your belt and then you can go back to them showing them you have successfully originated and serviced 10+ loans on your balance sheet. By direct placement, I mean find an investor who's willing to front the cash for that loan, and at this early stage give up all the interest if you have to. Now, you have done 10+ loans, and are successfully servicing them, the banks are going to be much more willing to give you LOC.
In terms of servicing software, the big boys are The Mortgage office and Mortgage Automator. TMO is over $25,000 just to set up and both of them come to nearly $2000 in cost. They will be necessary when your porfolio is $5m + but for now you can just use excel or a cheap LOS like LendingWise. Liquid Logics is also a very robust system.
Their is plenty of options for counsel and doc creation. The most prevalent is probably Geraci Law Firm, they are not cheap to start with but once you have done a good number you can move over to their lighting docs.
Feel free to message me and I can help where needed.