You probably don't need to reinvent so much. Just change your target. Go for the single family home instead of the multi. If you have to explain to your dad why you're asking him to cosign on a home loan, give him a promissory note and let him know he is backing your wealth so that he will never worry about your future.
Once you have a home picked and you're going through the closing, post a room or two for rent. Sharing a single family house with strangers can be less than ideal, but it's safe and financially powerful. If you get a 3/2 and find two renters, you can cover the entire mortgage and 2/3rds of the utilities. By the end of just one year, you can find a third renter, buy a multifamily and repeat the process.
And at that point, you'll have naturally increased your income with rent coming in, plus added twelve months of credit history to the car, a house, and a credit card, making you a desirable borrower. Best of luck!
(If your dad won't cosign, find someone who will. Maybe you have to put a deposit down on a cosigner and give him or her a fee for helping, but if you're creative, you can get it done well and safely.)