I am looking for advice!
I am a newbie, but I have had my eyes on a stalled project for years now. I did some research on tax & county records, then I had my realtor reach out to property owner. Here are the details.
1 acre with stalled project house- peeling shingles, house wrap, wood windows, sitting for 4 years at this stage 😳
Adjacent is another acre, and then also an additional 4 acres with a modern metal barn- and lots of junked cars.
The elderly gentleman says that he is going to get going on the house here in the "next few months" on the house, then sell all the acreage together.
I do not know if project stalled due to health or money, but my realtor thinks it was due to funding issues.
Questions: how can I present to him that we could sell his property fast for cash, then he can use cash to finish stalled housing project?
Or potentially sell all properties so that he has load off his shoulders.
Thank you for any & all suggestions. Both my realtor & I are new but willing to learn!