Does it make sense as an Investor to utilize my time working with Agents? I've honestly tried, but for the most part in NYC I feel like they're a waste of time. The deals that theyve bought me this year were all trash and padded deals, 6 people the least had to get paid per deal, that's including the homeowner and agent(No Way). I believe that Birddogs are the best bet to bring deals when investing, I've tried to work with Agents/Brokers but they always screw the deal over petty money, even after I tell them that they can keep the commission in full and that I'm only interested in purchasing the Short Sale, they still don't seem to comprehend. Am I offering them too much or are these people just utter clowns? I know of investors that pay Birddogs 500$ per lead on a short sale and have the agent/broker split commission on the shorts that they bring them, I still won't Treat people unfairly like that but this year I am not going out my way to make anyone else rich, that is unless they show the proper qualities. I am always willing to work with Agents/ Brokers but now I will have to tread softly now that I know what it entails. I am not one for circumventing others, back stabbing , or taking advantage of clients just to get a couple of bucks in the long run it always catches up with you, if you want to deal with a upfront Investor who knows the game in and out and has nothing but positive vibes and the best interest of every client please do contact me, but if you're into all the other stuff please don't. I will always be open to working with others, just please come correctly.