Ok, this is the first time I have really been on a blog. Wow the power of all of your knowledge shot right in to my computer for free!! This is great!
Ok, here it is
My wife’s Dream home, 6bd, killer kitchen, fantastic neighborhood, and its and REO.
MLS listed for 514k
Zillo estimates 415k-495k
Pre-approved for 400k
On the market for 26days, (only 1 low offer according to realtor unknown price)
I researched realty trac and found bank that owns Fremont I&L, a mess, Fremont bought out by another pushed servicing to Fremont reorganizing and Litton but HSBC bank listed as owner on tax docs with the address of Litton in Houston???
I figured that Litton is the bank with the asset manager and I am planning on calling tomorrow to see if I can get any info or offer to buy directly. Not sure if this is possible.
The bank purchased it back at auction for 369000 in OCT 2008
What can I do to get this house at 400k?
Thanks for any help you can provide.