Very good point All Cash!
Most people, books, seminars etc. teach about how great Credit is, and I'm more of the cash and carry type myself.
I know investors who have a very hard time collecting rent, and now they all want section 8 so they can get paid.
This is a dangerous scenerio to myself:
An investor buys multiple properities, then takes out the equity, refi's etc. these properties to the top, or darn close to it.
Then plans on the tenants to pay for this with their rents,
Ok this will work, the only problem is tenants do not pay on time or they stop paying rent and have to be evicted.
This is why the investors want section 8, yet I hear sec. 8 is tightening up their funding, or already has.
Then there are people that move from one place to another and stiff the landlord then move on, these people know how to use the system to their advantage and moveing around and stiffing landlords has become a way of life.