Hi @Julie Marquez.
Interesting thread. I know a few people like this, they are experts at how to save, but very poor at spending. I used to be a bit like that, until I realized I was really just "collecting money". Once I set specific dollar amount goals, which had a specific purchase target, I have been much happier. Take retirement for example. I set a very specific goal, and I have a checkpoint to that goal every year. If I am behind schedule, I tighten up, look for better investments, and get back on track. But here is the kicker. If I am ahead of schedule, I spend down so that I can get back to plan. I may take an extra trip, donate to charity, or give the kids a cash gift. This way, I feel I am both a saver and a spender, in healthy amounts.
Here's a final analogy I use. If you are shooting an arrow, and miss the target low, you raise up the next shot. If you miss high, you don't go higher, you go lower to hit the target.
Of course, targets can change. I may be raising my retirement target, in light of potential changes in tax, SS, and medicare policies.