@Ashley Bieniek
Your welcome.
And to answer a question you asked in your original post, yes the washer hookups not working should definitely been disclosed. I would say there is a less than one percent chance the seller did not know this if they rented out the property and zero percent chance if they lived there
I would call your realtor and tell them of the situation and have him ask the seller about this. A lot of people immediately say I am calling a lawyer, but I would not suggest doing this, as it dIgs people Into a defensIve posItIon. I would be nice, but firm that your concerned it was not disclosed to you. See what happens. It may take a few days, maybe even longer, but you may get a call that the seller is willing to pay for it to be fixed or a portion of the cost to be fIxed.
If you don’t get resolution that way and don’t believe whatever excuse you were given, you can consIder calling the broker the agent is wIth. If that does not help, then you may think about using social media to pressure your agent. But save this as a last resort.
Also, Jay mentioned when you had an inspection, they missed a lot of stuff. I thought maybe you didn’t have it inspected. If you did, who recommended them? I would call the Inspector as well. I have received concessions from both sellers and inspectors for things not disclosed or missed when inspected.