We have one unit of a 6 unit building that shares gas & electric with the building. Never had an issue in the past with a tenant of 10+ years but they recently moved out and we are trying to figure out the best way to add something in the lease just in case someone goes nuts with utilities(tries mining crypto or something that would run up the bill a crazy amount). The building usage should remain fairly consistent.
Not worried about small or medium spikes , just something to protect us if there are hundreds of dollars used that shouldn’t be.
Looked into splitting them and it just isn’t worth it right now.
Would the best way be to just list utilities included upto a certain amount based on historical usage for electric(kwh) & gas(mcf) totals for a year? Average monthly? Not sure the best way since in summer electric will be higher and winter gas.
Would we list those yearly amounts in the lease and just use the last fully occupied year?
Appreciate any help and suggestions.