Originally posted by Will Barnard:
It is not about how fast they can close, it is all about presenting how fast you can. In fact, I often offer 0 or 3 day inspections, then when I get the bank addendums, they give me 10, or 17 days! The key is about making YOUR offer strong, it has nothing to do with how fast or long the seller will take, that is on them. All you are doing is "offering" to close in 10 days and offering a 3 day inspection, often, they give you more.
In CA, a good EMD amount is 3% of purchase price. I usually offer much more. 10% is very solid in any state, your minimum should be $5k regardless of purchase price (on REo deals). Them ore you place, the stronger your offer becomes, that simple.
I always offer $20,000 EMD and no inspection period. If the property is over $300,000 or if I really want it, I will offer $40,000 EMD.
I was always worried about listing a faster close date as I didn't want to be out of the running because the bank knew it couldn't make my quick close requirement.