Hi all, newbie here. I currently own zero property and am looking to begin buying and holding multi-family properties. I identified a property that seems like a strong investment opportunity and am hoping that the good people here could provide some second opinions. Any thoughts, feedback, or advice would be greatly appreciated!
The property is a fully rented 3-family listed for $245k, currently grossing $32,400 per year. I calculated the year one cash on cash return using the following assumptions:
- 10% vacancy rate -> Annual gross rent of $29,160
- 30-year mortgage at 4% with 25% down -> Annual mortgage of $10,527
- Assessed value increases to $245k -> Annual property tax of $4,533
- 1% of the purchase price per year in maintenance -> Annual expense of $2,450
- Insurance costs of $2,200 (per listing)
- Utilities of $1,500 (per listing)
- 10% of gross rents to a property manager
If I did my math right, those assumptions produce an annual cash flow of roughly $5k, which represents an ~8% return on a $61k down payment. Obviously, there'd be much more due diligence to conduct if I went forward with purchasing this property. However, this is the type of analysis I'd like to use to screen investment opportunities at a high level. Does this seem like a reasonable approach? Do you agree this property could be a good investment candidate?