Buying in markets that are not close to you is not as difficult as it may seem. You just have to have all of your ducks in a row. I have plenty of out of state and a few out of the country clients who excelled at buying in foreign markets because they can get better returns.
The key is having boots on the ground that your trust. Trust is the key word their. You have to make sure that you meet the right contractors and the right partners who understand the goal and know how to execute.
Meeting investors in outside areas are not nearly as difficult as you might think. Facebook is wonderful for marketing/finding partners and craigslist has an abundance of contracts eagerly waiting to give you a big on their potential next job.
Find the right people and travel to your market. Meet with everyone who will meet with you and pick their brains. Find the best route for you and reach your goal!
(If you ever come to the Philly Market lets talk houses!)