Hello @Douglass Belt
Alrighty then... You can lose money on anything Multis/SFH/Ranches/stripmalls whatever there is money to be lost everywhere, if you dont get a good deal. My experience is the exact opposite of @Bryan L. when it comes to multis. I've profited quite handsomely and rents have been rising every year in my area for the last 5 years.
When it comes to multis dont just buy any old "good deal" What makes it a good deal? Cause its cheap? I hear there are plenty of one dollar houses in Detroit for sale. Look for a place that is close to employment centers Downtown/Large malls. Look for amenities that are close by Parks/pools/rivers/entertainment districts and so on.
Is the area growing or shrinking you want to invest in?
growing = good shrinking = bad
Look at this link to find info on whether or not your area is growing or shrinking
I love Boise its growing +3.46% almost every year. People pouring in from California. Prices keep going up.
As Opposed to where I used live Cleveland. Shrinking -0.66% and has been for the last 50yrs? Jeez what a bad place to invest IMO.
Dont be scared off from multi you can make $ with them for sure if you buy right and in the right area.