@Joon Kim
I think the biggest benefit is having more access to deals. Yes it can get confusing, but it doesn’t impact your return either way.
@Amy Wan pointed out that most deals are in a 506b structure, meaning you must have a prior existing relationship with a GP before being offered the deal.
-If you know the Capital Raiser only, but the Capital Raiser is a GP in the deal as an active “Acquisition Partner,” then you can be offered the deal without having that prior relationship to the deal sponsor.
In short, capital raisers can give you the benefit of more deal access without taking the time and effort to vet the sponsors yourself -although you’re free to do this yourself. You must know, trust, and like the Capital Raiser to do all the vetting for you.
The commercial syndication world is like a huge ecosystem of symbiotic relationships between many different organizations! Were just small fishes in the pond competing with institutions and sovereign funds. Lets help each other out and grow big together!