Yes, thanks Ryan for all the posts - I'm going to add them to my reading list. BTW, do you have anything on building your buyers' list? That seems to be the first step but not talked about nearly enough.
I also bought the Ultimate Buying and Selling Machine very recently and am just starting to get into. I'm hoping more people can give me an idea of how it worked for them. I was also approached by the company about the mentoring program and would love to hear if anyone has done that.
I know you don't get anything out of a course that you don't put into it and I understand the idea put forth by the quote "If you swallow a pill to lose weight or read a book to get rich... Real Estate Investing WON'T work for you!" but I know me and I have to start by learning from a book or something or else I don't know where to start.
I spent a year learning, reading, attending club meetings and such before I bought my first property. When I bought that property, the people I worked with were often impressed with my knowledge for such a newbie.
That's what I'm going to do with wholesaling - learning from 2 courses (also the Wholesaling for Cash by Judson and Lynn Voss from Get Real) for a while and then jumping in. I'm building my buyers' list first so need to learn some good ideas in that area.