I had the pleasure of listening to Geoff Woods talk about "The ONE Thing" written by Gary Kellar and Jay Papasan. In this book it talks about setting goals and creating a To-Do list. This list is not your ordinary to-do list. It is a list of should do's and could do's. When you categorize your daily tasks by priority of should do's, and creating the uninterrupted time in your day to get it done, the results will be astounding. My favorite line from Geoff was "What is the ONE thing I can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary."
Wow just wow. Have you taken the time to think about what that could be in your life? If you haven't, maybe your ONE thing everyday could be focusing on what outcome you want in life, and figuring out the ONE thing you need to get there.
I'd love to hear what your ONE thing is!
"People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures" -F.M. Alexander