@Joseph Ranola Wow! You know I never considered Staten Island to invest in. Do you forsee the prices of homes in this area increasing like some other areas are projected to (St. George area)? If I house hacked, would the average Staten Island cost of rent allow me to potentially live rent free?
The neighborhood of the house that I did see in Brooklyn definitely isn't a Park slope or Williamsburg by any stretch of the imagination, however on my previous apartment hunting adventures, I've seen landlords rent spaces in Brooklyn in sketchy neighborhoods for $2,000+ and people (gentrifiers) pay it! Brooklyn is now full of new buildings and renovated pre-war buildings in neighborhoods that have not yet caught up to the rapidly developed and expensive areas of Brooklyn, but charge very much like them. Investors are projecting that these neighborhoods will reflect the more overt changes in formerly crime ridden areas in Brooklyn before they can actually see it.
Staten Island is still a viable option if it's close to the bridge but more solely for investment than hacking. I really prefer to be in Brooklyn for the convenience of being close, no crazy traffic congestion from Jersey residents clogging the SI expressway, and no tolls.
I would like to discuss further though, how could I reach you?
Thank you for your thoughtful reply!