The land is in a nice, waterfront small town in Washington state. While considered pretty rural it is only about 30 minutes from the largest employer in our area. The property has a small water view as well. Our total payment including taxes and insurance should be about 1850 worst case. Taxes and insurance are just an estimate at this point. We would do a 30 year loan. I believe we would have the tenants pay utilities.
The zoning is unique which is why several lots in the area are not developed yet and why the cost was low. However I have dug into this and paid to get a determination letter from the county verifying we can in fact build a duplex. There are no environmental issues etc. The lot is only a .25 acre but large enough for the structure and good size yard.
we are using a builder to complete the duplex up to wall texture, then we are taking over (this is fine with our bank financing). It is the cheapest option we can find that gives us flexibility to save some money finishing it ourselves. Total with an estimate of all costs included isn’t the 433k figure.