Looking for experience/comments.
I'm starting to invest with a partner part time while we both keep our full time jobs. Both of us want to eventually quit and do this full time. I'm wondering how other people have structured their money at the very beginning. My most important "why/goal" for the short term is paying off my huge student loan, my long term goals are for retirement. My question is at what point does it make sense to keep/split part of your profits vs. putting everything you make back into investing?? I've heard people say that they didn't take profits or draw a salary for a very long time.
Also with a partner, one of us thought it best to equally put money into an account to pay for start up costs: company filing, marketing, memberships etc. but the other thinks it's best to each pay for different items until we make that first deal, then open an account. I'm sure both way could work, is one better than the other?
Just wondering what others have experienced.