@Lance Bolen I know wholesaling sounds like you don't need a lot of money (because you aren't purchasing the property), but that's a huge misconception. It actually requires a substantial investment for your constant marketing and systems, and it can take months to land your first deal. All the while you are dishing out money to keep the machine going, but nothing's coming in. Beyond the money it is also a constant and significant investment of your time. I only have a few friends that have become successful at wholesaling, and it took years, and lots of capital. I would second Alan's suggestion of getting your real estate license. Other suggestions would be to bird dog some deals, or find someone who is successful and try and bring them value and work with them. That being said, where there's a will, there's always a way. When I was younger (before prop stream and the internet were a thing thing lol) I did some wholesaling myself. I found my deals through probate (actually went into the courthouse basement and went through all the deceased files, lots of fun) then put up bandit signs to find my buyers (pretty sure you can't get away with that much anymore), but it did work out for me, and didn't cost much. Depending where you live something similar could be an option.
Best of luck to you. I wish I had gotten serious about REI when I was your age. I'd be retired and living on a beach by now.