@Brandon Wulff
I actually own two properties in Scottsdale which we rent to MLB players for spring training and I'd echo Amber's comment above. Our HOA killed our original plan to provide STRs, so I'd strongly recommend finding a property where you won't have to fight this battle, because it only takes one person in the community to kill the plan (we use some creative ways to get around our rules, but DM me if you'd like to know those). We can't utilize it for events like the Waste Management Open, the Fiesta Bowl or the Super Bowl, so we likely leave another $10K on the table for those events.
We work with a woman who represents a few different players on different teams and they do like the appeal of Scottsdale, even when it means a longer commute to the training facility, so you may want to consider the "brand name" vs. Convenience. Even Arcadia would be a good consideration.
As for your plan, we make half our mortgage payments for the year in February and March, so price accordingly. We have had some players come and rent October-January, so the market is solid then as well, but at roughly half the rent we get per month in the true high season.
The plan is good, but my personal opinion is the better location is the more critical piece as it sounds like you already have the have the contacts to pull from.