Hello all, I am looking to buy my second home but my first investment property in Omaha Nebraska. I am a SSgt in the USAF(E-5) and currently have a single family home where myself and my wife rent out extra rooms to 2 roommates for a total of 900 per month. I am looking for a deal below market and i have been reading about using other people money or different ways to purchase properties without cash on hand or a minimum down payment, currently i am debt free with the exception of my current house which is a VA loan and has almost no equity due to the fact i just refinanced down to 2.75 percent. I would love to work for someone in the local area for free in my off time from my military job for the opportunity to learn. I am wondering if anyone has any experience who was in a similar situation or recommendations for action steps to move forward. also my credit score is sitting around 800. Thanks in advance for your tips and advice, i look forward to learning from everyone. Also if by chance you are interested in mentoring me please direct message me and i will gladly pay for a meal for us to sit down and talk :D