At $500K, without additional financing, you’re not going to be getting much at all in Miami Beach. Do you have any experience in the hospitality industry? If not, I would recommend learning more before you set your sights on a hotel/motel. With single family to small rentals, or fix and flip, you’re dealing with a product (house, apartment) which every adult in the whole world has experience with either as a renter or an owner. The sale/rental of houses and apartments is repeated every year all over the country by the millions, so there are no real unknowns. You can even read through the mistakes of other BP members to understand how badly your investment could go.
Hotels/motels and hospitality are a whole other ballgame. My first cousin works in hotel management based out of NY for an operator that operates nationally and I listen to her experiences with the South Florida market. The company regularly has to fly her from NY down to Florida to run things because the qualified and reliable talent pool down here is so limited. Your idea of “outsourcing of the hotel/motel” might not be as easy as you think. Any hotel operation would be reliant on people, and as is the case whenever you have staff, you have to deal with the possibility of turnover. This is just information she passes on to me – do your own due diligence.
Have you considered the possibility of a prolonged downturn? Whenever the economy tanks, leisure, travel, and restaurants are the first to go. If you buy now, make sure you buy conservatively – always remember that the market can remain irrational for longer than you can remain solvent.
With that much potential money, have you considered new development? The old school way of buying a plot of land and building a lot of cookie cutter homes is dead – there’s not enough land left close to central Miami. If you look at the big homebuilders such as Lennar, they are building houses far away. The next development trend near central Miami is vertical – low and mid rise apartment buildings.