Hello everyone. My name is Jeff and my wife, 1 year old son, and I moved from McKinney Texas to Lincoln this summer.
I'm so thankful that I was pointed to this community. 6 years ago I undertook a quest to learn investing as a potential way to gracefully exit my software developer job. Although I heard enough to grasp the power of real estate investing, options trading became my passion. Partly because it's much easier for an introvert to click a mouse in a room by himself than organize a team and interact with a lot of people. 😀
I transitioned to trading for a living. Now I've simplified my options trading strategy to the point that it requires little time and has become rather boring. I'm excited to challenge myself, diversify asset classes, and learn new strategies.
My primary goal in life is to become the best husband and homeschooling father I can. I'd love to build another passive income stream to relieve pressure from trading and provide the reliability of steady cash flow. I'd also like to maintain a low time commitment for managing the investments so I can maximize my family time.
I love talking about options and would enjoy sharing my experience while I learn about real estate from you. I'm grasping the fundamentals but I have no experience. It would wonderful to connect with someone willing to show me their process.
I look forward to learning with you and contributing however I can.