I made an offer and requested a radon test, During the testing period, I caught the windows open. Everyone denied responsibility, but seller agreed to another test.
The test came back high, the seller signed an admendmebt to placing a remediation system by an licensed company that I checked out.
A week before closing I was noticed the system is in and the home tests results were great and everyone is over the moon on excitement!
I ask to view the system and see the results. I never got a copy of the “great results” and the system was worse than poor, I studied and knew what to look for. To save space here, I’ll say nothing was to standard epa standards.
My contact stated “Seller agrees the system has to done properly and to deliver a result/score to my satisfaction. (Signed by seller)
I choose to not buy the home. Today I was told my earnest money will go to the seller???
My question.... will there be any other penalties I will face?
Thanks everyone, I know a lot of professionals are here to assist, Georgia location.