@Chris Gawlik I understand your thought process and considered doing the same thing. However, when I started really diving into it, I decided to hold on to my strong cash flowing multi-families. These are long term holds and my equity paydown and cash flow will continue(even if its less than before). If I sell, I would have to weigh the realtor fees, closing costs on a new purchase to replace the asset, taxes on my current gains. In addition, I would be missing out on the cash and equity paydown of holding the property. It depends what variables you use but the market would really have to crash to make it worth it. Also these are long term investments... I wont realize gains or losses until I sell.
If the market really does crash it would likely be a result of significant inflation or mass defaults which would cause interest rates to rise. With really high inflation is your cash going to be worth as much? Will the RE losses in price offset a diminished dollar? Are the capital requirements after a crash going to change? I don't know the answer to any of those questions.
Personally, I'm sticking with cash flow(holding reserves as well) and... this one may discredit me... bitcoin.