Lack Of Funding Is The #1 Cause Of Not Closing On A Deal. Banks are often limited in their ability to fund projects outside a narrow range of underwriting criteria. Don't Let That Happen To You! We have the flexibility to be able to assess the merits of projects on a case-by-case basis and fill in this funding gap.
I am the Approved Co-Lender/Broker/Consultant/Processor direct with a USA-based, international, debt, equity, JV, private funding firm. I do not take on projects that cannot be funded! To be clear, my function is vetting your project(s) funding needs. (A formal and thorough examination prior to grant of approval or clearance) More About Me
My private equity funding group is diligently seeking borrowers with viable projects who have experienced difficulty in obtaining financing via conventional channels. Use Our Direct Private Lender Resources And Tools To Buy & CLOSE FAST!
Acceptable projects include, but not limited to energy projects, residential subdivision developments, commercial real estate, industrial plants, hotels, nursing homes, construction, retail stores, hospitals/medical centers, technology and much more!
Our Joint Venture Funding 25%/75% split (75% to the principal/borrower) Only enters in the case of a transaction requiring more than 75% LTV or 75% LTC. The principal/ borrower must have experience or management team, and the financial capability to pay for independent 3rd. party reports, feasibility study, due diligence, appraisal etc. Approximately 2%-3%. Also, new construction or rehabs must be funded through an agreed upon draw-down schedule.
Our minimum JV loan size is $2 Million and well up to the $100's of Millions. All projects are considered worldwide. Rates start from 3.25% up to 8%. Amortized terms. No pre-payment penalties. If you have a legal organized business that needs capital, we are at the very least interested. PRIVATE-FUNDING/LOANS-WE-DO
All consultations are free and confidential. 772-24LOANS. Send your executive summary to [email protected]
Executive Summary should consist of a three-page write up and include the following:
1: State exactly what the project is
2. State a summary of the income for the stated project
3. State the background of the individuals
4. State the net worth of the individuals
5. State the amount of funds needed, how they will be allocated along with the exit strategy for repayment of loan or buy-out of equity partner
6. State the amount of funds being furnished by the individuals, if any, along with any equity needed (if applicable)
Once I have reviewed your ES and have Funding Interest, we would conference with a Q&A to discuss the salient points of your project(s). Available conference times are EST, Mon - Fri, 8:AM - 3:PM. NOTE: This conference call will be recorded for quality assurance and copied to you for your records and future reference.
Within 5 hours I will be able determine what can be done for you using our private funding sources and investors that can provide your related commercial financing based on the geography of the transaction, loan amount, use of funds, type of business, credit profile and collateral or lack of collateral that accompanies each request.
Common Reasons Deals Do Not Close: Not completely upfront and forthright. Who the borrower is. Undisclosed mortgages. Undisclosed foreclosures. Inaccurate estimated value. Untimely submission and or execution of documents. Lagging, in undivided attention, communication, cooperation, understanding funding process or unwillingness to follow private funder's protocol.
Pearls Of Wisdom: We all must me cautious for there are many less than reputable companies out there and many more scams than one could even imagine. This has created an environment of fear amongst investors as well as my private lender's. You cannot be blamed for this fear. It just makes it harder on those that are legitimate and transparent as you will find us to be.
Pending Funding Interest, as your "Expediter" I will be with you every step of the way and help you to complete my Private JV Funder's commercial application for you to receive directly from my Private Equity JV Funder, a Term Offer, LOI (Letter of Intent) and LOC (Letter of Commitment) for a successful closing solution. So now you can focus on what you do best, running your business, not chasing money!