If it isn't too late to get in on this opportunity then I'm going to try to keep this short and sweet.
I'm a 21 year old college student trying to break the cycle of mediocrity and complacency that I feel has taken over our country. I want to do big things in my life and help others do the same and I feel like wholesaling and real estate is the perfect place for me to start. As soon as I found out about wholesale real estate it has taken over my life. I spend all but a few hours of the day on it; listening to podcasts, reading threads on BiggerPockets, finding articles, and "driving for dollars."
Since I probably won't win the lottery I need to go out and make things happen rather than sit back and wait for them to come to me. The problem is, I'm a broke college student and I don't get any financial support from home because my mother is going through financial issues of her own (another HUGE motivating factor itself). In order to close the most deals you need the most leads and in order to generate leads you need a marketing budget. Since I am also Student-Athlete I don't have time to pick up a part time job to pay for marketing, so there haven't been very many leads. If Michael Quarles were to choose me, I KNOW it would give me the jump start I need to get my short-term goals accomplished and get my life moving in the direction I have planned. I was already planning on using Yellow letter once I have the money for marketing, so why not begin a long and prosperous partnership sooner!
So there it is. Hopefully this was short enough, and I look forward to this whole process. Thank you for this great opportunity!