Title to vest in Trust vs. LLC/entity or your name personally - less likely to trigger DOS. Regarding structure (if you have both of the scenarios below - makes decision even easier):
1) Flip - equity is driver. In other words, if you intend on flipping property then equity (profit after sale) will drive opportunity.
2) Hold - cash flow is driver. Based on above mortgage rate and term - property may be positive $150.00 per month or more. As a general rule - 1.25 DSC (income vs. mortgage payment). Another view point: if market softened and you needed to reduce your rents by 25% (or your expenses could increase by 25% before you would be in the negative).
Therefore, the higher your DSC (debt service coverage) the easier the decision - less risk to you. Analysis as follows:
Cash flow: $150.00 per month X 12 = 1800.00
Principal Reduction (equity creating from tenant paying mortgage) = 2000.00 year over your time horizon.
Total benefit: +3800.00 (cash flow + equity) year 1.
Less: -$8000.00 your investment (down payment)
Negative Benefit: -$4200.00 **** will be positive after year 3
Equity (ARV) - a bonus *** but in this case too small to count
In MOP - if benefit is positive year one (you are getting at least a 25% return on your investment) - worth the risk. In above example you would be paying $8k to take on the seller's problem.
The way to make the above deal make sense - either seller comes into the deal with cash - pays you or you come in with nothing down.
Good luck!