I'm in the DC area, under contract for a condo in a 150+ unit complex that I'll use as a long-term rental. The condo complex has recently switched management companies, and the new management company is actively trying to dig out from a bunch of deferred maintenance and collect from owners who are delinquent on their dues. When this turnaround is complete, the complex will be in much better physical and financial condition and I believe in the long-term value of this location for a rental.
As a result of the number of delinquencies, the complex is unwarrantable and on the Fannie/Freddie unapproved list. Complicating matters, some of the deferred maintenance is the repair of some sprinkler systems, which will take 30-60 days to complete, plus however long it takes the county to inspect & approve the work. So the complex is currently under firewatch, and will remain so for at least 3 more months.
I have a lender lined up who is comfortable with the unwarrantable and Fannie/Freddie unapproved situation, but will not lend to a property currently under firewatch.
My next plan is to ask the seller if they're willing to consider seller financing, at least until the condo complex gets stabilized. But if that's not an option, does anyone have any ideas for lenders who would entertain an unwarrantable condo that's on firewatch? Thanks for any leads!