Quote from @Allan C.:
@Jay Shindledecker I see this happening more in socal than other markets. I presume you're looking mostly at SFH? The MFH listings seem to have higher close rates.
I agree with the sentiment that many folks are bargain shopping and dropping the contract if sellers remain stubborn with list price.
Spoke to a few Real Estate Agents today.
They said there are a lot of people shotgunning offers on single family right now that get accepted, and buyers are failing to come up with a deposit.
Also said that they’re offering over asking and then trying to back into steep discounts back under asking through inspections.
Some of them have been cancelled due to appraisal values coming in low. Some of those have been closed after a little more appraisal work.
So I guess if you’re a single family realtor, you should ask how many offers buyers have made and have the seller perform an appraisal before listing so you know what you can accept and not accept.