In regards to the 2 family in legal non-conforming zones, I am currently in that same situation. I bought a duplex that was grandfathered in and considered legal non-conforming, however there was also a small office building on the property which complicated things to the point where I could not obtain conventional financing. In short, I was able to do a 5 year sellers finance while I figured out how to refi out by conventional means.
Since then, I demolished the office building( it was dilapidated and did not add the value I hoped for) and I am currently in the process of a refi. I will find out this week if there are any further complications beyond the "mixed use" appearance even though there is no longer commercial influence on this property.
A couple things I learned were:
-Financing may be difficult. Lenders want to be sure that if the house is burnt down or demolished by any other means that it would be covered by insurance to be rebuilt. (In my case, it can only be rebuilt on the original footprint, aka no demo and spec build)
-Trying to rezone the property may work and may be the answer for some, but is not guaranteed to pass through approval and would most likely be costly and not worth the effort put in, especially given the uncertainty of the outcome.
-If anyone finds themselves in a similar situation, it may limit the ability to sell to someone else who would use a conventional loan.
I'm curious if any other people who have legal non-conforming multi-family properties have had issues with financing. I will find out in the next week if I can refinance. Who else has had to deal with a similar situation.
Thanks Edward for sharing your insight and expertise. You've inspired me to become more active in this community. It's easy to take for granted the value of information that is here at BP and you've reminded me of the importance of sharing. Keep it up!