Hello fellow BP folks,
I’m Los angles based and need some advice on the best next step to take. Here is my situation.
I rent and work in LA and like most folks here, am tired of paying rent but the market is high here, to say the least.
I’m doing fine financially and want to invest in real estate but the barrier to entry for multi family (I am trying to house hack) is almost unattainable for the average earner.
So would it be financially smarter to invest outside my market (long distance investing) and continue renting in LA (my current housing costs, all in, is 1/8 of what I make)
Keep looking for a deal and try to come up with the down payment for a $700-800,000 fourplex?
Any suggestions? I’ve driven for dollars (no responses yet) door knocked (same result) scouted C ish neighborhoods but deemed them too unsafe to live in, with no luck yet. It’s been four months of searching.
Love reading the forums and appreciate any tips on the next step.