@Henry Clark I retired early as well. And I can tell you, in my late 50’s, I felt like I still had a lot to give. And , since I had been working in an industry I really wasn’t passionate about, this was my chance to try an industry that I have had a passion for for the last 12 years or so. That is why I jumped into the biz. I own one facility and it has been quite a challenge so far. But I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything in the world. I am learning a lot about the business that, had I not gone through this process, I wouldn’t have learned nearly as much. My advice would be, if you truly want to learn the business, lease it up, refinance, pull some money out, and go on to the next one. If you just want to make some quick cash so you can supplement your retirement, then sell it and relax. But stay active doing SOMETHING. An idle brain/body just begins to get worse if you stop using them. Learned that from a family member.