The amount that you can be qualified for depends on many things. Things like, what your credit score is, income, current debt ratio, type of loan your are wanting, how much down payment you have?
To make it simple, just concentrate on a max. of 50% of your current income as the total debt you are allowed to have. Income X 50% minus existing monthly debts that would show up on a credit report = amount your monthly payment can be? If you know how much your payment can be and keeping you at no more than a 50% debt ratio, you are most of the way there.
Once you know what the payment can be, you back out things like taxes, insurance, Mortgage Insurance, HOA dues if any to get down to what your max. PI or principal and interest payment can be. Once you have that, use any mortgage calculator online to then determine what the max. loan amount can be with that PI payment based on whatever interest rate is available at that time.
Clear as mud? I hope that helps, without confusing you.
Any loan officer within minutes of receiving details from you can tell you your max. A credit report didn't actually need to be pulled to get that info. out to you. Call a local Mortgage Lender, you will be better served with them versus the online companies.