Is Court the best route or Collections Agency?
My tenants broke their lease 1 month early, damaged my property that exceeded the deposit with a grand total of $4500, including leaving me a $260 water bill. Now they blocked my number and don’t have a mail forwarding address. I text them the following message from my google voice number and to all of the phone numbers I had for them on file. I wanted to see if you guys think I should proceed with wasting time and resources for a lawsuit or should I find a collections agency? I honestly don’t think they’ll pay, they are also self employed with a tree business so can they even garnish their wages? Any advice would be appreciated. Here’s what I sent them:
“I see you blocked my current number. Attached is your invoice statement for the damages and rent for the month of June 2019. The total damage exceeds your security deposit in the amount of $4862.00. I am giving you the option to make 4 monthly installment payments of $1215.50.
However, legal action will be taken if payment arrangements have not been made by July 15th, 2019. The Law Offices Of Brandon R. Celigan will be representing me and arrange a lawsuit and court date on my behalf. I will also be sending this to your phone and other mailing addresses on file. A private investigator will be hired to find you if needed. Please respond as soon as possible to remediate this. If I do not hear back by July 15th, we will proceed with a lawsuit.
Jason Ngo