Hello Fellow Investors!
Wnn Properties proudly presents Daniel N. Young from the law offices of Rowen N. Young. Do you have your LLC and business documents in place? If so, are they done correctly? Do you have questions regarding asset protection for yourself and for your Real estate assets? Then this is the meet up for you.
Daniel N. Young is an estate planning lawyer working at the law offices of Rowen N Young. Daniel specializes in trusts and estates, wills, asset protection, and related business and tax matters. Before Daniel graduated from the William S Richardson School of Law, he wanted to join his father's successful estate planning law practice to help the local people of Hawaii. Daniel also has a Masters in Business Administration, and two business Bachelors from the University of Hawaii at Mānoa. Daniel has helped his family invest and manage real estate properties, and also enjoys playing the stock market. Before becoming a lawyer, Daniel worked for The Department if Labor and Industrial Relations’ Office of Community Services managing money, data, and relations with various local non-profits and charities on Oahu. He leads weekly Bible studies and teaches children for his church. Daniel strives to be the greatest investor of his time, energy, and money.
Daniel will be joining us to teach us some basic information on asset protection and open up to the group for questions and answers. Due to the Covid 19 we will be having our meeting online on Zoom. July 29th 2020 at 6pm
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