Here's an interesting one. I have a contractor doing some work at a scenic property of mine located on a lake. I am not on site, and he has been doing some major projects such as ripping out old wallboard and installing new, putting down tile floors, etc. No complaints about his work so far, although it has been taking longer than thought because he has taken on some other work elsewhere. He claims that work is wrapping up within the next couple of days at which time I will have 100% of his attention.
Recently, the next door neighbor informed me that he, his wife, his child, and dog had been staying overnight there during the weekend. I went up there, and sure enough there were inflatable beds in the rooms, portable refrigerator, barbecue grill, etc.
My question is, what do you think is the best way to handle this? I asked him about it, and he indicated that he was staying overnight to save time driving back and forth between his home and there ( maybe 45 minutes each way). But since the whole family seems to be staying there at least on the weekends, it would appear he's also using the place for recreational purposes as well.
I want to maintain a good relationship with him, but was looking for some opinions from others who perhaps have been in a similar situation before taking any further action.